Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Bread Making

I am sorry to say I have neglected this blog because I have been too busy working, and because all this thinking about food is making me fatter and fatter. I have, however, been endeavoring to learn how to make a good loaf of sandwich bread. So far I have made two loaves that fell during the baking process. The first loaf I thought was too wet, but may have fallen because I allowed it to raise too long. Then, because I thought the first loaf was too wet, I made the second loaf too dry and it did not raise enough. Bread winning has taken on a whole new meaning, but I am determined to prevail. Although both of my efforts ended in dumpy loaves the flavor and texture were very good, and so I will recommend the recipe I used for sandwich bread here. I did make some pretty yummy peanut butter and jelly sandwiches with my first loaf which held together beautifully. King Arthur Flour has many delicious recipes and another recipe I tried for soup was so delicious it is going into my own recipe book for frequent use.